
Available on both iOS & Android devices, patients and their caregivers can enroll into services and communicate with their Patient Support Programs throughout the treatment journey.

OkRx PatientLinkTM simplifies every touchpoint between your PSPs and Patient for communication that improves health outcomes.

Patient and Caregiver Access

Provide patients and their caregivers convenient access to your Support Programs and services from any mobile device.


Allow patients to upload images of prescriptions easily and securely to your Program and personnel.

Share with Photos

Allow patients and their caregivers to upload and share Provincial health cards and drug plan information to facilitate program operations.

Financial Assistance

Provide patients with "self-service" financial assistance applications directly through their mobile device with real-time approval determinations and electronic co-pay card generation.

Multi-language Support

Customize your patient's connectivity experience into your drug brand s Program with available multi-language settings.

Customizable Branding

Customize the experience of OkRx PatientLinkTM to match the branding of your Patient Support Program or branded drug products.

Adherence-based Outcomes

Increase adherence of your drug products and patient engagement with your Program to improve patient outcomes.

Patient Education

Provide your Program patients instant access to education resources, activities, and customized learning modules.

Explore our other solutions that support specialty medication stakeholders.