
Make the most informed decisions about your drug brands and their Patient Support Programs (PSPs) with real-time de-identified, patient-level data and business intelligence reporting.

OkRx SponsorLinkTM Provide real-world evidence generated through PSPs to better inform market access, patient engagement, and health outcome strategies.

Listings and Dashboards Reports

Reports, listings, and dashboards of the most common data elements in specialty medication management including patient, prescriber, insurer, pharmacy, and drug distribution metrics.

Customizable Reports & Dashboards

Address your unique business intelligence needs through customizable reports and dashboards.

Escalation Management

Respond to escalation requested with real-time insights electronically in a secure environment.

Financial Assistance Management

Analyse program spending and review patient, prescriber, and pharmacy level metrics.

Drug Plan Utilization

Review coverage investigation and drug prior authorization analytics by drug plan with real-time infographics.

Explore our other solutions that support specialty medication stakeholders.